November 1, 2018

Real People, Real Results.

Autumn improved psoriasis on a carnivore diet

Autumn has improved symptoms of psoriasis by following a fasting protocol and following a carnivore diet. Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that causes a rash over various parts of the body. The skin becomes itchy with scaly patches, most common on the knees, elbows, torso, and scalp. The condition is believed to be an autoimmune disease in which the

Madison eliminated all symptoms of heavy periods on a carnivore diet

Madison is a woman who experienced an unusual and severe injury and had to fight her way back to health. She says, “My heritage is Scandinavian I’m 2nd generation American.” Her story is one of strength, perseverance, and healing. Madison’s is an incredible carnivore success story, and she says, “I want to tell you how the carnivore diet has impacted

Jennifer improved sleep, migraines, pain, blood pressure on carnivore diet

Jennifer’s Journey To A Full Carnivore Diet   Jennifer is a 32-year-old woman who has been following a “full carnivore diet for almost six or seven weeks.” She had taken an interest in the carnivore diet and lifestyle and “initially started in January but had some personal setbacks, so I put it on the back burner.”   Health Problems Before

Yuri improved his skin, pain and sleep with a carnivore diet

My Experience With Raw Meat and Raw Fish Diet – This article was renewed and edited on May 29, 2018 –   The mainly raw meat and raw fish zero carb diet (MFZC) is the last diet I tested. I have been testing and using it from April 2016 to the present time. Before MFZC, I tested: the raw meat/fish

Amy lost weight, improved acne, depression and anxiety on a carnivore diet

Struggling With A Weak Immune System And Chronic Colic   When I entered this world, I was an unhappy baby (diagnosed with chronic colic), which meant I barely stopped crying for the first six months of my life. As I got older, it became apparent that I had a weakened immune system.   I seemed to pick up anything and

Jason improves Chronic Fatigue on carnivore diet

Hi, I’m Jason. I was perfectly healthy until 32, and then my immune system went off the rails.   Stabilizing My Conditions   I have found that eating only meat or fasting stabilizes my condition and removes the immune cytokines that cause flares. I was told I had Lyme’s. I have POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) and other autonomic damage

Packo improved his rare autoimmune on a carnivore diet

Hi there! Dear carnivores, My name is Packo. I have had a few conversations with one of my heroes (Dr Shawn Baker), we discussed what i am about to share with you in detail. Rare Disease   I have a really severe autoimmune decease called Ankhylosing Spondilitis (AS), I was diagnosed when I was about 24 years old. At that

Stephen improved his cancer diagnosis with a carnivore diet.

Hello, my name is Stephen. This is my story about cancer. I am in remission from high volume aggressive metastatic prostate cancer as well as type 2 diabetes and obesity.   The Diagnosis   Summer 2011: diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer (Gleason score of 10 out of 10) at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, Burlington, MA, USA. Eligard treatments were

Alex beats fungal infection, ADHD, improves gut health on carnivore diet

Alex’s Carnivore Journey    I don’t know exactly where to start. Last fall, I had neck surgery, and after that, I was battling my gut health and a weird fungal infection in my forehead. I tried everything except going vegan.    No medicine helped my fungi problem, and my gastrointestinal problems worsened. I did a deep dive into the ketogenic

Tracey recovers from allergies, fibrocystic breasts on carnivore diet

I have hesitated for some time to submit my story. I think partly because I began a very low-carb diet in May 2017 before hearing about the Carnivore Diet challenge. I was aware of Amber O’Hearn and others avoiding plant foods. My husband and I had been vegan for just over five years before adding animal foods to our diet

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