A Lead Authority On Medical Nutritional Therapy
Dr. Shawn Baker MD
Shawn Baker M.D. is the Co-Founder of Revero.com, an online clinic for treating chronic conditions at the root cause, orthopedic surgeon, world leading authority on treating disease with medical nutritional therapy, an Amazon best-selling author, world champion athlete, international speaker, podcast host, and consultant.
As a physician, he experienced that the healthcare system is very ineffective at reversing the immense tide of chronic disease.
Thought Leadership
He introduced the zero carb elimination diet to the world on the Joe Rogan podcast with more than 10 million downloads and wrote the best selling book on Amazon.
His personal experience with optimizing health as well as interacting with thousands of patients has shown powerful results in treating and reversing many chronic diseases.

Inspiring millions of people
author of the best selling book on amazon
The Carnivore Diet reviews some of the supporting evolutionary, historical, and nutritional science that gives us clues as to why so many people are having great success with this meat-focused way of eating. It highlights dramatic real-world transformations experienced by people of all types.
10+ million downloads
the Joe Rogan Podcast
Dr. Shawn Baker talks about his journey as a physician and the life-changing effects of nutrition on health.
10+ million downloads
the Joe Rogan Podcast Round 2
Dr. Shawn Baker talks about his journey since the previous interview.
30 Minute Session On Zoom
Book A Consult with Dr. Shawn Baker
30 minute consult on the lifestyle, nutrition, exercise,
recovery, motivation, and changing your diet.
Disclaimer: The session is a consult and not medical advice.
Dr. Shawn Baker MD
Some Notable Achievements
A doctor, an athlete, a father, and a proponent of regaining health with nutritional therapy
- Orthopedic Surgeon
- Athlete – World Record Holder
- Cofounder & Chief Medical Officer at Revero
- Amazon best selling author on Amazon
- International Speaker
- Host of Revero podcast, ranked top 40 on Apple charts
- A lifetime of pursuing excellence and pushing the boundaries
- Father, Soldier, Revolutionist
- Bachelor Of Arts University Of Texas At Austin – Biology 1989
- Doctor Of Medicine Texas Tech Health Science University – 2001 (Graduated With Honors)
- Completed 5 Year Orthopedic Surgical Residency – University Of Texas 2006
- Chief Of Orthopedics Kirtland Air Force Base
- Chief Of Orthopedics Luke Air Force Base
- Chief Of Orthopedic Trauma – Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan 2007 – 600 Surgeries
- Lead Surgeon Of 12 Provider Orthopedic Surgical Group Private Practice Until 2016
- Distinguished Graduate US Air Force Officer Training School
- Nuclear Weapons Launch Officer USAF X 5 Years
- Nuclear Weapons Combat Commander Of The Year 90 Operation Group 1996
- Luke Air Force Base Air Force Athlete Of The Year 2010
- Semi Professional Rugby, Cambridge New Zealand (played In Waikato Premiere League And Faced Off Against Several New Zealand All Blacks)
- Selected All US Air Force And Combined Military Services Rugby Squads
- All Western USA Rugby Select Side
- Texas Rugby Select Side
- 1st Place Texas Strongest Man (300lb Class 2004)
- 5th Place USA Strongest Man Contest (North American Strongman Society) (300lb Class)
- American Record Deadlift 772lbs (350kg) Natural Association Of Strength Athletes (pure Division – Lifetime Drug Free Class) 2000
- Sub-master World Record Deadlift 738lbs World Association Of Benchpress AndDeadlift
- Masters American Record Deadlift (40+ Category) 711lb USA Powerlifting 2007
- Highland Games US Invitational Masters National Champion 2009
- Highland Games Masters World Champion 2010
- USA Track And Field Masters All American Status Discus, Weight Throw, Superweight Throw 2009
- Set Concept 2 Indoor Rowing World Records For 1min (40+) 100m (50+),1 Min (50+), 500m